Kidney Transplant

With increasing cases of Chronic kidney disease ( CKD ) or End-stage renal disease, the need for Kidney transplants is rising among the global population. As per the latest reports published in reputed journals, the total Global prevalence of chronic kidney diseases is almost as high as 11.1% to 17.1%. As Global healthcare guardians and one of the World's best Medical tourism assistance companies, CMCS Health offers cost-effective living donor kidney transplants for CKD or ESRD patients with the best Kidney transplant Doctors in India at Top Kidney transplant Hospitals. We have successfully facilitated and coordinated kidney transplants in India for scores of foreign patients.
Kidney transplant in India:
The majority of chronic kidney transplant ( CKD ) or end-stage renal disease ( ESRD ) patients needing kidney or renal transplants are from underdeveloped or developing countries. As in these countries, the awareness level of kidney care is almost negligible. Because of scarce kidney disease diagnostic facilities and kidney disease specialist doctors, many of these chronic kidney disease patients end up with failed kidneys. Once both kidneys fail the only treatment options left for these ESRD patients are hemodialysis or kidney transplant. A patient with a suitable Living kidney donor enjoys a better quality of life than those who remain on hemodialysis. As per some conservative estimates the number of ESRD or CRF patients around the world, requiring a kidney transplant has gone up to almost 5 million to 7 million. Many ESRD patients from countries as far as Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Angola, Sudan, Congo Republic, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Nepal, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Iraq, and Saudi Arab have approached us for a living donor kidney transplant. As Global Healthcare guardians for these kidney transplant-requiring patients, we assisted them with their successful kidney transplants. As one of the World’s best medical tourism assistance companies, our association with the best Kidney transplant doctors and the Top kidney transplant hospitals in India has helped scores of end-stage renal disease or chronic renal failure patients get a successful kidney transplant in India.
Kidney Transplant in India - A Complete Know-how:
This video will guide kidney patients about the process, the best kidney transplant surgeons, and top kidney transplant hospitals in India, and also about the kidney transplant cost in India.
Video - complete know-how about kidney transplants in India.
What causes Kidney failure or End stage renal disease :
Kidney failure can be acute or chronic. There may be several reasons for kidney failure or end-stage renal disease, but the most common factors responsible for kidney failure are:
- Uncontrolled and untreated Blood sugar levels for a prolonged period.
- Uncontrolled and untreated Hypertension ( High blood pressure) for a prolonged time.
- Glomerulonephritis is a disease of the Kidney. One of the kidney's main functions is to filter toxins and waste products due to metabolism. Glomerulonephritis damages the filtering capabilities of the kidneys. Glomerulonephritis could take place because of some untreated kidney infections or could be hereditary.
- An autoimmune disorder Like lupus erythematosus ( SLE or Lupus ) causes Lupus nephritis. Over some time Lupus can damage kidneys beyond repair and patients may end up with kidney failure.
- Polycystic Kidney Disease.
- Severe dehydration or sudden heavy blood loss.
- Over-the-counter pain medications or substance abuse.
- Being obese and leading a sedentary lifestyle.
- Not getting a proper night's sleep regularly.
Signs and symptoms of Kidney disease or failing Kidneys :
Kidney diseases are generally chronic, meaning they slowly grow and if not treated in time will cause kidney failure or end-stage renal disease. Kidney failure can be acute too, meaning the kidney failure is sudden like in the case of severe dehydration or heavy blood loss. Acute Kidney failure is reversible in most cases but chronic kidney disease ( CKD ) may require a Kidney transplant. The signs and symptoms of kidney disease are usually not visible in the early stages but chronic kidney disease ( CKD ) or End stage renal disease ( ESRD) patients may exhibit the following symptoms:
- Unexplained Nausea or vomiting tendencies.
- Frequent urination or decrease in urination.
- Change in strength of urine stream or difficulty in starting urination.
- Generalized fatigue, malaise, or tiredness combined with low hemoglobin levels.
- Loss of appetite.
- Decreased mental sharpness.
- Shortness of breath.
- Chest pain.
- Edema or swelling on ankle, shin, and feet.
- Dry, Itchy Skin.
- Muscle cramps.
- Bone and joint pain.
- Loss of weight.
Most of these signs and symptoms are nonspecific, which means they could be because of other underlying medical conditions, but if you observe any or more of these symptoms, please consult a doctor to rule out chronic kidney disease.
Diagnosis of Chronic kidney disease ( CKD ) or ESRD :
If a patient complains of the above symptoms, the attending doctor may recommend following blood or urine tests along with considering other co-morbid factors like diabetes or hypertension to rule out CKD or ESRD.
- Blood tests including kidney function tests raised serum creatinine, and blood urea are indicative of CKD or ESRD.
- Urine tests to identify any abnormalities in the composition of urine.
- Imaging tests like Ultrasound of the KUB ( Kidney -ureter and bladder ) region.
- Kidney biopsy.
Treatments for kidney diseases :
Treatment of kidney disease is dependent on the stage and cause of the disease. Some kidney diseases can be treated but chronic kidney disease does not have a cure. Treatments of chronic kidney disease consist of medical management and aim to relieve the symptoms, reduce the complications, and delay the progression of the disease.
- Controlling the high blood pressure with anti-hypertensive medications.
- Diuretics to reduce fluid retention and relieve edema or swelling.
- Hemopoietic factors along with iron supplementation to treat anemia.
- Statins reduce bad cholesterol and protect the heart.
- Calcium and Vitamin - D supplements strengthen the bones and prevent fractures.
- A phosphate binder lowers the amount of phosphate in the bloodstream and protects blood vessels from damage by calcium deposits (calcification).
- Restriction on protein-rich diets.
Once the Kidney disease progresses, the management will turn to end-stage renal disease treatment.
Treatment of Chronic kidney failure or End stage renal disease :
Once a kidney disease patient reaches end-stage renal disease or chronic renal failure (CRF), the only treatment options are hemodialysis or a Kidney transplant.
Hemodialysis :
Hemodialysis is done with a hemodialysis machine that filters the waste products ( toxins) and extra fluid from the bloodstream when failed kidneys are not able to perform this life-saving function. An ESRD or CRF patient needs to visit a center regularly at least two times or three times a week for hemodialysis.
- Peritoneal dialysis can be done at the residence of the patient by the patient himself or with the assistance of one of the family members. In peritoneal dialysis, a thin tube is inserted into the abdomen of the patient, and dialysis solution is put inside the abdominal cavity with this tube. This dialysis fluid absorbs the waste products and extra fluid. After some time this dialysis solution is drained out along with waste products and excess fluid.
Hemodialysis is not a permanent solution and may interfere with the quality of life of the patient. Treating nephrologists and transplant urologist surgeons may consider a Kidney transplant as a viable and better treatment option for ESRD or CRF patients.
Kidney Transplants in India:
Chronic renal failure (CRF) or end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients who are fit for a kidney transplant will have to undergo a kidney transplant or renal transplant surgery as a permanent solution and cure. Kidney transplant surgery requires transplanting a healthy, functioning kidney into the body of an end-stage kidney disease patient. A kidney transplant is not a suitable option for all ESRD patients. An ESRD Patient with existing cardiovascular problems may not be the right candidate for a kidney transplant. The Kidney transplant specialist doctors will choose only those CRF patients for a kidney transplant who are found to be fit and have a suitable kidney donor. A kidney transplant is a permanent solution and cure for kidney failure. A Kidney transplant or renal transplant improves the quality of life of the patient. At CMCS Health, we offer successful kidney transplants in India with the best kidney transplant doctors at top kidney transplant hospitals.
The Process of acquiring a functioning Kidney for ESRD or CRF patients :
After the initial investigations about the fitness of the patient, age, and availability of a kidney donor, attending clinicians may recommend a kidney transplant surgery for the ESRD or CRF patient. Kidney transplant surgery requires an expert Kidney transplant urology surgeon to put a donated functional kidney into the ESRD or CRF patient's body by surgery. Donated functioning kidneys for ESRD or CRF patients come from two sources.
A Deceased donor :
Kidneys are retrieved from the body of a brain-dead person, who has pledged to donate his body organs in such an eventuality or when the relatives of a brain-dead person give the permission for donation of body organs for transplantation in patients suffering from failure of that organ. Because of a lack of awareness and acceptance of body organ donation by the relatives of a brain-dead person still not getting enough momentum, deceased donor kidneys are not readily available for all ESRD patients. Moreover, the patient needs to be registered with the hospital that is running the deceased donor organ transplant program and has to reach the hospital in a short time after being informed about the availability of deceased donor kidneys. It is next to impossible for a foreigner to get a cadaveric kidney transplant in India.
HLA-matching, healthy blood-related living donor:
Most of the ESRD or chronic renal failure patient gets a kidney donation from a healthy, living close relative, who wants to donate one of his/her kidneys out of affection or compassion to save the life of the patient.
Types of Kidney Transplant Surgery in India:
A kidney transplant surgery is performed by a qualified urology or kidney transplant surgeon. A new functioning kidney is transplanted into the body of an end-stage renal disease or chronic renal failure patient. Kidney transplant surgery in India is now generally performed in two ways at the top kidney transplant hospitals. Kidney transplant cost in India is one of the lowest in the world and there is no waiting period for patients seeking kidney transplants in India.
- Minimally invasive laparoscopic Kidney transplant surgery.
- Robot-assisted kidney transplant surgery.
At CMCS Health, we are associated with the world's best kidney transplant doctors and top kidney transplant hospitals in India for cost-effective kidney transplant surgery in India. Our associated best kidney transplant doctors in India are routinely performing both minimally invasive kidney transplant surgery and robot-assisted kidney transplant surgeries with almost 100% success rates. We are associated with the top Kidney transplant hospitals in India.
India has become a global hub for low-cost kidney transplants:
India has become a global hub for low-cost successful kidney transplants for global medical travelers. Since the first Kidney transplant in 1971 at Christian Medical College, Vellore, India, kidney transplant programs have come a long way. Today many hospitals in all major cities of India offer low-cost kidney transplants for international patients. In 2020, more than 15,000 successful kidney transplants took place in various Indian hospitals. Kidney transplant cost in India is lowest among all the kidney transplant-offering countries.
Latest developments in Kidney Transplant in India:
With increasing numbers of end-stage renal disease patients and not enough suitable kidney donors, doctors associated with kidney transplant surgery were always looking for ways of offering a successful kidney transplant for chronic renal failure patients. Following innovations in kidney transplant surgery have brought hope to patients with end-stage renal disease or chronic renal failure. Our associated top kidney transplant hospitals in India offer the following types of kidney transplants for medical travelers seeking specialized medical treatments offshore.
- ABO incompatible kidney transplants
- HLA incompatible kidney transplants
- Simultaneous Liver and kidney transplant
- Simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplant
- Pediatric kidney transplants
Kidney transplant procedure:
Both the patient and the living kidney donor will undergo a comprehensive assessment of their fitness for a successful kidney transplant in India. The Kidney transplant doctors team will recommend many laboratory tests and other investigations for both the kidney recipient and kidney donor.
In India, only blood-related living donors are allowed to donate a kidney for kidney transplant surgery, so the treating doctor team will also recommend HLA and DNA tests to ascertain the relationship between the kidney donor and recipient.
Kidney transplant programs in India offer low-cost kidney transplants in India at the top kidney transplant hospitals with the best kidney transplant doctors in India.
Tests needed for the recipient before a kidney transplant surgery in India:
A CRF or ESRD patient will be examined by the Kidney transplant doctors team physically, they will collect a medical history of the patient for any previous treatment or surgery for any other health issues. Kidney recipients or end-stage renal disease patients will undergo the following tests for fitness assessment.
Blood tests:
- Blood group (A, B, AB & O) & Rhesus - Rh factor ( +ve or -ve)
- Complete Blood count
- HLA (human leukocyte antigen) typing test
- Kidney function, Liver function, and lipid profile
- Thyroid function tests (T3,T4 & TSH)
- Coagulation profile (BT, CT, Platelet Counts, PT, PTI, PTTK)
- Viral Markers (Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-C & HIV)
- Electrolyte levels (Sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and bicarbonates)
- Blood sugar tests ( Fasting, postprandial-PP, HbA1C)
- Antibody tests (serology)
- Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) for men above 50 years and CA-125 for women
Urine test:
- Urine culture
- Protein creatinine ratio
- Urine (SPOT)
Cardiac evaluation:
- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Echocardiogram and stress echo (in certain cases it will be a dobutamine-induced stress test)
Pulmonary evaluation:
- Chest X-ray
- Lung function test (spirometry)
Imaging tests:
- Ultrasonography (USG) - whole abdomen
- Color Doppler (aorta, iliac vessels, and carotid)
Psychology assessment tests:
The Kidney transplant team will also recommend a psychology assessment by a psychiatrist
The Kidney transplant doctors team ( nephrologist and urology surgeons) may recommend other tests too for every individual patient, depending on their findings during physical examination and taking the medical history.
PAC or anesthesia clearance:
When all test reports are in order and the kidney transplant doctors' team decides that the donor can safely donate one of his kidneys, the donor will be advised to go for a pre-anesthesia checkup before the surgery.
Tests needed for the donor before a kidney transplant in India:
Blood tests:
- Blood group (A, B, AB & O) & Rhesus - Rh factor ( +ve or -ve)
- Complete Blood count
- HLA (human leukocyte antigen) typing test
- Kidney function, Liver function, and lipid profile
- Thyroid function tests (T3,T4 & TSH)
- Coagulation profile (BT, CT, Platelet Counts, PT, PTI, PTTK)
- Viral Markers (Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-C & HIV)
- Electrolyte levels (Sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and bicarbonates)
- Blood sugar tests ( Fasting, postprandial-PP, HbA1C)
- Antibody tests (serology)
- Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) for men above 50 years and CA-125 for women
Urine test:
- Urine culture
- Protein creatinine ratio
- Urine (SPOT)
Cardiac evaluation:
- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Echocardiogram and stress echo (in certain cases it will be a dobutamine-induced stress test)
Pulmonary evaluation:
- Chest X-ray
- Lung function test (spirometry)
Imaging tests:
- Ultrasonography (USG) - whole abdomen
- Color Doppler (aorta, iliac vessels, and carotid)
- DTPA scan
- CT (angiogram) for renal vessels
Psychology assessment tests:
The Kidney transplant team will also recommend a psychology assessment by a psychiatrist
The Kidney transplant doctors team ( nephrologist and urology surgeons) may recommend other tests too for every individual patient, depending on their findings during physical examination and taking the medical history.
PAC or anesthesia clearance:
When all test reports are in order and the kidney transplant doctors' team decides that a CRF or ESRD patient can be safely taken for a kidney transplant, the patient will be advised to go for a pre-anesthesia checkup before the surgery.
DNA fingerprinting for the recipient and living kidney donor:
In India, only blood-related living donors can donate a kidney to their relatives. A government of India-appointed organ transplant committee will verify all the documentation of the donor and recipient. The Organ Transplant Committee will also interview the donor and recipient separately to ensure that the donor is donating one of the kidneys purely out of compassion and love for the patient. There is no pressure on the donor or any financial gains are involved. The committee will also ascertain that the donor and the kidney recipient are blood-related. A DNA fingerprinting test will prove that the donor and kidney recipient are blood-related.
The cost of evaluation tests for both the living kidney donor and the recipient is included in the kidney transplant package cost in India.
Preparing for approval of the organ transplant committee:
Once all the tests for the kidney patient and the living kidney donor are scrutinized by the Kidney transplant doctors' team, they are sure that the patient will benefit from the kidney transplant surgery and the donor will not have any adverse effect on his health and future life, because of kidney donation and briefing both the donor and recipient about the kidney transplant process, they will ask the kidney transplant coordinator of the hospital for organizing an organ transplant committee. There are certain documents required for the organ transplant committee approval for kidney transplants. The Kidney transplant coordinator of the hospital will help in arranging the required documents.
- The family tree is made by the kidney transplant coordinator who will take details of all the family members right from the grandparents up to the grandchildren (if applicable). It will also have mention of their blood groups and medical conditions.
- Two Photo IDs for the patient and kidney donor, which could be any government ID, driving license, or national ID card. Passports can also be considered as a photo ID.
- The DNA fingerprint reports will establish the relationship between the donor and recipient.
- Passport-size photographs of both the donor and the patient ( 4 to 8 sets each)
- Affidavits from the donor and recipient stating that they are related.
- Family photographs show the patient and donor in the same frame, establishing their being together at family functions and get-togethers.
- Bank account details of donor and recipient to rule out any disparity in their income.
- Marriage certificate in case of spouses being donor and recipient.
- Declaration from the head of the family ( parents of the donor or wife of the donor) that they do not have any objection to the donor donating one of the kidneys to the patient.
- No objection certificate ( NOC) from their embassy in India.
Organ transplant committee approval for kidney transplant in India:
Once all the investigations and documents of the donor and recipient are in place, the transplant coordinator will arrange the organ transplant committee which has at least two government-appointed members who are not the kidney transplant hospital staff. The committee members will go through all the facts presented to them and will also interview the donor and recipient separately to ascertain that the kidney donation is fair and not under any promise of financial gain for the donor or any sort of pressure. It should be purely on compassion and a love for saving the life of the patient. These proceedings may be video recorded too. Once the committee members give their approval for the kidney donation and kidney transplant, a surgery date is given by the kidney transplant doctors' team.
Hospital admission for kidney donor and recipient:
The Kidney donor and the recipient are admitted to the Hospital on the evening of kidney transplant surgery. They are advised to not eat or drink after midnight (NPO). The treating kidney transplant team doctors will visit the patient and donor to optimize them for the next day's kidney transplant surgery.
Kidney retrieval surgery for the donor:
Kidney retrieval surgery for the donor is done almost simultaneously with the kidney transplant surgery for the patient. CMCS Health - The best medical tourism assistance firm in India is associated with the best kidney transplant doctors in India. Kidney retrieval surgery for the donor for a kidney transplant in India is done in two ways:
Laparoscopic Nephrectomy:
Laparoscopic nephrectomy is a minimally invasive kidney retrieval surgery for the donor. Most of the top kidney transplant hospitals in India are now performing laparoscopic nephrectomy for donor kidney retrieval. Laparoscopic nephrectomy has many advantages over conventional open nephrectomy, like less scarring, less pain, and a shorter recovery time. In a laparoscopic nephrectomy, the transplant urology surgeon usually makes two or three small incisions in the abdomen for laparoscopic kidney retrieval. Very small incisions are used as portals to insert the fiber-optic surgical instruments. The incision made for retrieving the kidney is slightly larger. The equipment for laparoscopic nephrectomy includes a small knife, clamps, and a special camera called a laparoscope to view the internal organs and guide the surgeon through the procedure.
Robot-assisted donor nephrectomy:
The best kidney transplant surgeons in India routinely do robot-assisted donor nephrectomy for kidney retrieval. Robot-assisted donor nephrectomy has distinct advantages over laparoscopic nephrectomy. Our top kidney transplant surgeons in India use the retroperitoneal approach instead of the transperitoneal approach for donor kidney retrieval. The retroperitoneal approach for robot-assisted donor kidney retrieval significantly reduces the time of the surgery, less blood loss and thereby lesser need for blood transfusion, and a shorter hospital stay.
Robot-assisted donor nephrectomy is the least invasive and causes the least scarring thereby offering better cosmetic outcomes for the donor.
Robot-assisted donor nephrectomy can be safely done for donors with higher body mass index and thus widens the pool of kidney donors for a kidney transplant surgery.
Kidney transplant surgery for the recipient:
Kidney transplant surgery costs in India is the lowest among many kidney transplant centers in the world. Moreover, the success rates for kidney transplants in India are the best among other centers across the world. Our expert kidney transplant doctors offer both minimally invasive laparoscopic kidney transplant surgery as well as robot-assisted kidney transplants.
Kidney transplant surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. The transplant urology surgeon will cut on one side of the lower abdomen to place the donor kidney inside and attach the blood vessels of the new kidney to the blood vessels of the lower abdomen just above one of the legs. The new kidney's ureter is attached to the bladder.
The two nonfunctioning kidneys are not removed unless they cause pain, have kidney stones, and may pose a risk of infection or high blood pressure. The patient's vitals are monitored all along the entire surgery. After the completion of surgery, the surgeon will stitch back the surgery wound.
Minimally invasive laparoscopic Kidney transplant in India:
Most kidney transplant surgeries in India are being done by the minimally invasive laparoscopic technique. The minimally invasive laparoscopic Kidney transplants have a quicker recovery time and less scarring at the surgery site as compared to the conventional open kidney transplant approach. Laparoscopic Kidney transplant surgery is done by making 3 - 4 keyhole incisions in the abdomen, a telescope is inserted using one of the holes so that the surgeon can perform the surgery using a video system. The Laparoscopic kidney transplant surgery is minimally invasive and provides the benefit of a shorter hospital stay, fewer chances of infections, less scarring, and a faster recovery. We are associated with the top kidney transplant hospitals in India for successful kidney transplants for global medical travelers seeking specialized medical treatments in India.
Robot-assisted Kidney Transplant in India:
Robot-assisted kidney transplant surgery is also minimally invasive surgery. In robot-assisted kidney transplants, the surgeon makes a 2-inch incision above the belly button and 3 or 4 small incisions in the abdomen. The surgeon then places a small camera and tiny robotic arms inside. Using a computer console the surgeon controls the robotic arms to implant the donor kidney. The camera provides a magnified 3D view to navigate the inside of the patient's body and perform the surgery with greater precision.
Robot-assisted kidney transplants provide the benefit of more precision, smaller incisions, less scarring and pain, quicker healing, and recovery, reduced risks of infections, and a shorter hospital stay. Robot-assisted kidney transplants are also beneficial for patients with higher body mass index.
As Global healthcare guardians for international patients seeking Kidney transplants in India, we empower them to choose the best type of kidney transplant surgery that is within their budget at the top kidney transplant hospitals in India.
Hospital stay for donor post a successful kidney donation:
The Kidney Donor is usually discharged from the hospital after 3 to 4 days of kidney donation. Doctors will observe closely the recovery process of the donor and once they are sure that the donor can be safely discharged, they will discharge the donor with advice on wound care, prophylactic antibiotics to avoid any surgery-induced infection, and pain medicines. The donor will be seen by the surgeon 5 to 7 days after the discharge from the hospital, in the hospital OPD, and if everything is found normal may be allowed to leave for his/her home country after 10 days of the kidney donation.
Hospital stay for the kidney recipient:
The patient will be kept in kidney isolation ICU for 7 to 9 days before being discharged from the hospital. The patient's recovery is closely followed by the Kidney transplant team. After the successful kidney transplant, the new kidney starts functioning almost immediately and the patient may no longer need hemodialysis. The doctor will start immunosuppressive medications two days before the surgery date and after surgery, the dose of immunosuppressive medication is tailored as per the blood levels of tacrolimus or everolimus. The patient will have frequent hemograms, kidney function tests, and tacrolimus/everolimus level tests for follow-up. If everything is found to be normal, the patient will be discharged from the hospital after 7 to 9 days after the successful kidney transplant surgery. The patient will be advised to take his immunosuppressive medications on time, as well as other medications as prescribed by the kidney transplant team. Patients will be advised about wound care and will have to see the nephrologist and urologist in the hospital OPD every 3 to 4 days post-discharge from the hospital initially.
Post-kidney donation care for the Kidney donor:
After kidney donation, the donor is advised to see the kidney transplant team for follow-up. The kidney donor usually does not have any complications post-donation but they have to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid getting hypertension or diabetes. The other precautions during the recovery period for kidney donors are:
- Not sitting or lying in bed in the same position for a long period
- Not lifting any object heavier than 10 pounds at least for one month
- Your doctors may advise you not to take up any strenuous exercise at least for 3 months
- Taking good care of the incision site to avoid infections
- You may be advised not to drive a vehicle at least for 1 to 2 weeks
- Donors should take a healthy diet and avoid eating too much fried or spicy food
- Quit smoking and if take alcohol drink in moderation
- maintain a healthy body weight
- Get a periodic kidney function test
- Do not take OTC pain medicines, if you need a pain relieving medication get it prescribed by a qualified doctor, who will keep in consideration your having only one kidney before prescribing a pain killer.
- Avoid contact sports or any activity that may injure you so you would have to take pain medications.
- A woman donor should avoid pregnancy in the first six months of kidney donation, she should be under the supervision of a qualified doctor during the pregnancy as certain studies show a small increase in the risk of pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia and protein in the urine.
Post-kidney transplant care for recipients post a successful kidney transplant:
After the kidney transplant, a kidney patient will have a dramatic change in his/her life. There is no need for hemodialysis anymore as the new kidney will do the filtration of toxins. The immunosuppression medications are a lifeline for the kidney recipient as discontinuation, not taking the prescribed dosage, or missing the dose may expose the patient to graft rejection. The recipient is advised to keep the blood pressure and blood sugar in control, as hypertension and diabetes are the two major factors of kidney disease. As the kidney recipient is on immunosuppressive medications, their inherent immunity to fight infections is compromised. Kidney recipients should avoid going to crowded places and maintain good personal and oral hygiene to avoid infections. Other precautions for the kidney recipient during the recovery phase are:
- Taking good care of surgical wounds to avoid infections
- Maintaining good personal and oral hygiene
- Strict adherence to the immunosuppressive medication dosing schedule and follow-up lab. tests schedule
- Keeping the blood pressure and diabetes in check
- Not sitting or lying in bed in the same position for a long period
- Not lifting any object heavier than 10 pounds at least for one month
- Your doctors may advise you not to take up any strenuous exercise at least for 3 months
- You may be advised not to drive a vehicle at least for 6 weeks after the kidney transplant surgery
- Take a healthy diet and avoid eating too much fried or spicy food
- Quit smoking and drinking alcohol
- maintain a healthy body weight
- Get a periodic kidney function test and Tacrolimus or everolimus serum levels, so that your kidney doctor can tailor the dosage as per your need.
- Do not take OTC pain medicines, if you need a pain relieving medication get it prescribed by a qualified doctor, who will keep in consideration your having only one kidney before prescribing a pain killer.
- Avoid contact sports or any activity that may injure you so you would have to take pain medications.
- A woman recipient should avoid pregnancy in the first six months of kidney transplant, she should be under the supervision of a qualified doctor during the pregnancy as certain studies show a small increase in the risk of pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia and protein in the urine.
Kidney transplant cost in India:
Kidney transplant cost in India is the lowest as compared to many countries, the cost depends on the type of surgery, hospital, and expertise of the kidney transplant doctors team. The average kidney transplant cost in India is listed in the table.
Kidney transplant package cost in USD ( Package includes all the workup tests for donor and recipient before surgery, Surgery cost and hospital stay for patient and kidney donor, 10-12 free hemodialysis for the patient) | 13000 - 15000 USD |
Robot-assisted Kidney Transplant cost in India in USD (Package includes all the workup tests for donor and recipient before surgery, robot cost, Surgery cost and hospital stay for patient and kidney donor, 10-12 free hemodialysis for the patient) | 15000 - 17000 USD |
Other tests that are not part of the package (DNA finger typing etc.) | 500 - 1000 USD |
Post-kidney transplant follow-up tests ( Kidney function & Tacrolimus test ) | 300 - 500 USD / per month for two months. |
Please Note:
- The above kidney transplant cost is a KTP package, any complications during the treatment or other treatments are not part of the package.
- Any overstay in the hospital for the donor or recipient is excluded from the package cost.
- Any extra medications or implants are not part of the package and will be charged extra.
Best Kidney transplant doctors in India:
Kidney transplant surgery is putting a healthy and functioning kidney into an end-stage renal disease patient. Our associated best kidney transplant doctors in India are performing kidney transplant surgeries with the highest success rates. Our top kidney transplant doctors in India are performing both minimally invasive kidney transplants as well as robot-assisted kidney transplants at the lowest kidney transplant cost in India. The kidney transplant doctors team consists of transplant urology surgeons and nephrologists.
The best kidney transplant urology surgeons in India:
Kidney transplant urology surgeons are responsible for the living donor nephrectomy and putting the healthy and functional kidney into the end-stage renal disease patient or kidney recipient. The best kidney transplant urology surgeons in India are:
- Dr. Prof. Anant Kumar, Chairman - robotics, kidney transplantation, and urology at Max Super specialty hospital in New Delhi, India.
- Dr. Rajesh Ahlawat, Group chairman - Urology, Uro. Oncology and Kidney transplantation at Medanta- The Medicity, Gurugram, India.
- Dr. Sanjay Gogoi, Principal Director - Urology, uro. oncology, kidney transplantation at Max Super Specialty Hospital, Dwarka, New Delhi, India.
- Dr. Prof. Sandeep Gularia, Senior Consultant urology and kidney transplantation at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India.
- Dr. Varun Mittal, Head - Kidney transplant and associate chief uro. Oncology and robotics at Artemis Hospital, Gurugram, India.
- Dr. Col. Rajeev Sood, Chairman - Urology and kidney transplantation at Marengo Asia Hospital, Gurugram, India.
- Dr. Pradeep Rao, Director - Urology, Uro. Oncology and Kidney transplantation at Gleneagles Global Hospital, Mumbai, India.
- Dr. Muruganandham K., HOD and senior consultant - Urology and kidney transplant at Gleneagle Global Hospital, Chennai, India.
- Dr. Shafiq Ahmed, Director - Urology, andrology and kidney transplantation at BLK Max super specialty hospital, New Delhi, India.
- Dr. Avinash Arora, Director & HOD - Urology and kidney transplant at Nanwati Max Super Specialty Hospital, Mumbai, India.
Best Kidney transplant nephrologist in India:
Once the donated kidney is transplanted in the kidney recipient, It is the nephrologist who takes care of the newly transplanted kidney by monitoring the function of the newly grafted kidney. The nephrologists also decide on the dosage of immunosuppressive medications for the prevention of rejection of the newly grafted kidney in the recipient. The Best kidney transplant specialist nephrologists in India are:
- Dr. Dinesh Khullar, Chairman - Nephrology and renal transplantation at Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi, India.
- Dr. Sunil Prakash, Principal Director & HOD - Nephrology & renal transplantation at BLK Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi, India.
- Dr. Col. Akhil Mishra, Consultant - Nephrologist and transplant medicine, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India.
- Dr. Saurabh Pokhariyal, Principal Director - Nephrology & renal transplant medicine, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Dwarka, New Delhi, India.
- Dr. Shyam Bihari Bansal, Director - Nephrology & renal transplantation at Medanta - The Medicity Hospital, Gurugram, India.
- Dr. Manju Aggarwal, Director & HOD - Nephrology and renal transplantation at Artemis Hospital, Gurugram, India.
- Dr. Prof. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Chairman - Nephrology & Kidney Transplant Medicine. Marengo Asia Hospital, Gurugram, India.
- Dr. Bharat Shah, Director & HOD - Nephrology and renal transplantation at Gleneagle Global Hospital, Mumbai, India.
- Dr. P. Muthukumar, Senior consultant - Nephrology & renal transplant, Gleneagle Global Hospital, Chennai, India.
- Dr. Jatin Kothari, Director - Nephrology & renal transplant medicine, Nanawati Max Super Specialty Hospital, Mumbai, India.
Top Kidney Transplant Hospitals in India:
Top kidney transplant hospitals in India are offering low-cost kidney transplants in India for international patients seeking specialized medical treatments offshore. We are associated with well-managed medical treatment centers in India for cost-effective kidney transplants in India. The top kidney transplant hospitals in India are:
- Medanta - The Medicity Hospital, Gurugram, India.
- Artemis Hospital, Gurugram, India.
- Marengo Asia Hospital, Gurugram, India.
- Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India.
- Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi, India.
- BLK Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi, India.
- Max Super Specialty Hospital, Dwarka, New Delhi, India.
- Gleneagle Global Hospital, Mumbai, India.
- Gleneagle Global Hospital, Chennai, India.
- Max Nanawati Super Specialty Hospital, Mumbai, India.
Most of the top kidney transplant hospitals in India are NABH and JCI-accredited to offer low-cost kidney transplants in India.
Success stories about kidney transplants in India
Successful kidney transplant in India - Mr. Azizjon Ulashev - Uzbekistan :
I am Azizjan Ulashev from Tashkent Uzbekistan. 2 years back I was diagnosed with ESRD in Tashkent. I was put on hemodialysis by my treating doctor in Tashkent. It was shattering for me and my family. I was just 27 at that time. My baby boy was still a toddler. I was advised to go to India with a donor for a kidney transplant surgery.
I came to India in January, with my brother Uktam Ulashev and visited many hospitals in Delhi and Gurgaon. Someone advised me to get assistance from an Indian Medical and healthcare consultancy firm CMCS Health. They advised me to have my kidney transplant surgery with Prof. Dr. Anant Kumar at Max Hospital, Saket, New Delhi. CMCS Health team arranged for a guest house in my budget, my dialysis, and local transportation for my hospital visits. I was taken to Dr. Anant Kumar for a consultation. Dr. Anant briefed me about Kidney transplant surgery. I decided to have my kidney transplant with him only. I left India with the hope of having a successful kidney transplant and being a healthy person again. I found CMCS Health as a competent organization to conduct and coordinate my kidney transplant in India. In May 2016, I decided to come to India for my kidney transplant. CMCS Health sent us a visa assistance letter helped us with all the nitty gritty, and assisted in arranging the documents required for a kidney transplant. I came back to India in May 2016, along with my donor brother Sardor Ulashev, and my mother as a medical attendant. I was received at the Airport by a CMCS Health person. Again I visited Dr. Prof. Anant Kumar with my donor brother and mother for my kidney transplant surgery. Dr. Anant prescribed all the investigations required to assess my and my brother's fitness for a successful kidney transplant. We did all the tests and by Grace of Almighty were found fit for a kidney transplant. Since I brought all the documents as advised by CMCS Health for the organ transplant committee of the government of India, my committee date was scheduled soon. The professionalism and caring attitude of CMCS Health made things very easy for us. Today, after almost 8 years of a successful kidney transplant in India, I and my Donor Brother are healthy and living a perfectly normal life.
Video - A successful kidney transplant in India for an Uzbekistan Guest.
Successful Kidney transplant in India - Mr. Joseph Rafiliarison - Madagascar.
Mr. Joseph Rafiliarison had a kidney transplant surgery earlier but somehow the newly grafted kidney from his kidney transplant was rejected. He approached CMCS Health for his deteriorating kidney function from the first kidney transplant. We managed him with conservative treatment to delay the need for a redo kidney transplant but eventually, his earlier grafted kidney from the previous kidney transplant was rejected and we needed to give him his second kidney transplant at Max Super Specialty Hospital, Saket, New Delhi, India. He was discharged from the hospital after a successful redo kidney transplant in a stable condition. Get your kidney transplant in India with the best kidney transplant doctors in India at the top kidney transplant hospitals.
Video - A successful Kidney transplant surgery in India for a Madagascar Patient.
Successful Kidney Transplant in India - Mr. Shaikh Rony - Bangladesh.
Mr. Shaikh Rony is a lovable young man from Bangladesh. The entire world turned bleak for him, once he was diagnosed with an end-stage renal disease ( Kidney failure ). At CMCS Health, we helped him in having a successful kidney transplant in India. The donor Aunty of Mr. Shaikh Rony rescued his life by donating one of her kidneys to Mr. Rony. Today almost three years after a successful kidney transplant in India, Shaikh Rony and her donor Aunty are living a successful, healthy life post-surgery. Mr. Rony has taken up pharmaceutical distribution as a career. We wish Mr. Rony and her brave and kind aunt a life full of good health, happiness, and success. Ask us about low-cost Kidney transplants in India.
Video - A successful Kidney transplant in India for a Bangladesh Patient.
Frequently asked questions about kidney transplant surgery in India:
Which is the best country for international patients for a living donor Kidney transplant?
India has emerged as the no.1 destination for living donor kidney transplant surgery. The lowest cost and the highest proven success rates, no waiting period, Best kidney transplant doctors, and well-equipped ultramodern top kidney transplant hospitals have made India the first choice for kidney transplant among global medical travelers.
How will CMCS Health help me with my kidney transplant in India?
CMCS Health is a medical tourism, and health consultancy firm registered with the Ministry of Commerce of the government of India. For the last two decades, we have been assisting and coordinating the specialized medical treatments of international patients in India. We have successfully coordinated medical treatments in India for over 10'000 international patients.
Because of our patient-centric approach and being led by medical professionals, good knowledge and rapport with the best kidney transplant doctors in India and top kidney transplant hospitals. We are looked upon as a trustworthy healthcare guardian by international patients seeking kidney transplants in India. We have successfully coordinated scores of kidney transplants in India for international patients so far. We help the kidney transplant-seeking patients with:
- Empowering them with all the relevant information and assisting them in choosing a kidney transplant hospital in India.
- Getting them a proforma invoice from their treating hospital in India
- Helping them in procuring medical visas for coming to India by issuing visa assistance letters from their treating hospital in India
- Informing them about the documentation required for a living donor kidney transplant in India, so they come fully prepared and we can fastrack their organ transplant committee approval and early kidney transplant after they arrive in India
- scheduling their doctor appointments and the initial workup investigations
- We provide language interpreters who speak their language and English to overcome the language barrier
- Our expert and well-trained patient care executives will assist them in every aspect of their kidney transplant surgery in India
- Once the patient is discharged from the hospital after a successful kidney transplant, we assist in their follow-up with the treating kidney transplant doctor team, and also once they fly back to their respective countries to sort out any health issues
Where will I, my donor and medical attendants stay in India?
Once you decide about your treatment hospital and doctor, we will arrange a guest house room or a furnished apartment with a furnished kitchen in the vicinity of your treatment hospital. You will guide us about your needs, preferences, and budget for your outside hospital stay accommodation.
Who could be a living kidney donor for my kidney transplant in India?
As per the guidelines by the government of India, only a blood-related family member can be a living kidney donor in India. The donor should be between the ages of 18 to 55 years, healthy, and free from any infections. Even spouses can donate to each other with proper documentation.
What is the success rate for Kidney transplants in India?
The success rates for kidney transplant surgeries in India are as high as 95%. The ultramodern infrastructure, the expertise of Indian kidney transplant doctors, latest diagnostic facilities have made India among the countries with the highest kidney transplant success rates.
What is the waiting period for a kidney transplant in India?
There is no waiting period for kidney transplants in India. When all the investigation results for the fitness of the donor and recipient come to the kidney transplant doctors team and the approval of the organ transplant committee is procured, immediately a surgery date is given. If everything goes smoothly, a kidney transplant for an international patient can be done within two to three weeks of their arrival in India.
What will be a better kidney transplant surgery for me, the minimally invasive laparoscopic kidney transplant or the robot-assisted kidney transplant surgery?
Our expert kidney transplant team will discuss all the pros and cons of both types of kidney transplant surgery. It will assist every kidney patient in choosing the best-suited kidney transplant surgery.
Will I be taking my immunosuppressive medications lifelong?
Yes, your immunosuppressive medication will prevent the rejection of the new kidney. Your nephrologist (kidney) doctor will monitor your tacrolimus levels and your kidney function (serum creatine) and will tailor the dosage as per the need. You may start with a higher dosage but gradually the dosage will be reduced.
Will I need to come back to India for a follow-up with my kidney transplant doctor team?
Although you are advised to visit India 6 months or one year after your successful kidney transplant for follow-up, we can coordinate with your KTP doctor team in India and ask you to do the follow-up investigations in your own country and send us the reports, we will discuss the reports with them and will arrange a video conference call to allow you to not visit India for followups.
At CMCS Health, we consider ourselves as your global healthcare guardians. We are with you when you come to India for your Kidney transplant surgery or even when you are in your own country after getting a successful Kidney transplant in India, to sort out your medical complaints.