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Kenyan patients prefer India for Brain and Spine Surgery


Brain and spine surgeries are critical medical treatments and require great expertise. Top Indian Neurology Hospitals have state-of-the-art infrastructure and cutting-edge technologies for safe and successful neurological surgeries. The best Indian neurology surgeons are specially trained brain and spine surgeons with vast clinical experience who perform brain and spine surgeries for Kenyan patients.

CMCS Health, the leading Medical Tourism Company for Kenyan nationals, assists them in successful brain and spine surgeries in India. Kenyan Nationals' trust in India for brain and spine surgeries has developed because of the practical experience of many Kenyans who have had successful Neurological Surgeries in India.

Testimonial of Mrs. Lucy Jebet from Eldoret, Kenya | Successful Spine Surgery in India

Mrs. Lucy Jebet from Eldoret, Kenya was suffering from debilitating back pain that radiated to her legs. Even she was finding it difficult to move the fingers of her legs. She received several conservative treatments in Kenya but nothing brought her relief. She was advised for a spinal MRI by Kenyan doctors. The Spine MRI showed that she had a herniated vertebral disc in the lumbar spine region. The herniated Disc at the L4-L5 level was causing spinal nerve root decompression and was causing lower back pain and numbness in the legs. She was advised a spine surgery for her medical problem.

Mrs. Lucy Jebet and her family members in Kenya, approached CMCS Health, the best Medical Tourism Company in India for Kenyan Nationals. Our Patient care experts discussed her medical reports and MRI of the spine with leading spine surgeons in India. After receiving the opinions from top Spine Surgeons in India, the family chose Dr. Hitesh Garg, a Spine Surgery specialist at Artemis Hospital, Gurugram, India for her Spine Surgery.

Medical Travel Assistance for Mrs. Lucy from Eldoret, Kenya

CMCS Health, the best Medical Tourism Provider for Kenyan Patients, assisted Mrs. Lucy Jebet in procuring a Medical Visa to India from Kenya. The expert patient care experts of CMCS Health assisted the Kenyan Family in their travel itinerary to India. On her arrival in India, she was received at New Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport by the CMCS Health Team member. She was given a complimentary Indian SIM card for being in touch with her family members in Kenya.

Spine Surgery in India for Mrs. Lucy Jebet from Kenya

Mrs. Lucy from Eldoret, Kenya was physically examined by Dr. Hitesh Garg at Artemis Hospital, Gurugram, India. After a careful review of her MRI and X-ray reports, Dr. Hitesh Garg advised a Minimally Invasive Endoscopic TLIF spine surgery. She was operated on by Dr. Hitesh Garg. The Spine Surgery went very well for Mr. Lucy. She was discharged from the Hospital after 4 days of her spine surgery. Mrs. Lucy experienced a dramatic change in her medical condition and has been living an active life with restored mobility and no pain for the last 11 years. We are still in touch with her and follow up regularly for her medical condition.

Testimonial of Mr. Noah Kibet Mutai’s Brain Surgery in India | Best Medical Tourism Assistance for Kenyan Patients

Mr Noah Kibet Mutai is a young man from Eldoret, Kenya. Mr Noah has been having frequent episodes of serious headaches, Seizures, and disorientation for many years. He was advised for a Brain MRI. Mr. Noah was treated for almost two years for recurrent intracranial hemorrhages due to ruptured Anterio-venous malformations. Treating doctors in Eldoret Kenya decided on radiosurgery + embolization to avoid any risks to Noah's health. Since the facility was unavailable in Kenya, they decided to refer him to India. CMCS Health, the leading Medical Tourism Company in India for Kenyan Nationals assisted Mr. Noah in his Medical Treatment in India.


Brain Surgery in India for Mr. Noah from Kenya

After receiving all the medical reports of Mr. Noah, CMCS Health the Top Medical tourism Provider for Kenyan Patients discussed them with leading neurologists in India.  We suggested Dr Sandeep Vaishya - Director dept. Of Neurosurgery at FMRI, Gurgaon, for medical treatment of Mr. Noah. The patient's family agreed to do the medical treatment of Mr. Noah in India with CMCS Health.

After reviewing the medical reports, medical history, and physical examination Dr Sandeep Vaishya, decided on a DSA cerebral angiography left ICA under local anesthesia and subsequent stereotactic radiosurgery for Mr. Noah. Mr. Noah had a successful brain surgery for his medical condition at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram, India.  He is perfectly healthy now and is living a normal productive life in the USA. We are regularly in touch with him. 

The Reasons for Kenyan Patients Preferring India for Brain and Spine Surgery

Kenyan Nationals prefer India for brain and Spine Surgery. The major reasons for their preference for India are as follows:

Expertise of Top Indian Neurosurgeons

The expertise and competency of Indian Neurosurgeons is well established and acknowledged globally. Complex brain and spine surgeries are routinely done by the Top Indian Neurosurgeons. The success rate of brain and Spine Surgery in India is excellent.

Top Five Brain Surgeons in India Preferred by Kenyan Patients

  1. Dr. Rana Patir, Chairman - Department of Neurosurgery at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram, India.
  2. Dr. Sudhir Kumar Tyagi, Senior consultant - Neurosurgery - Brain and spine surgeon- Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India.
  3. Dr. Aditya Gupta, Chief - Neurosurgery & CNS Radiosurgery & Co-Chief - Cyberknife Centre, Artemis Hospital, Gurugram, India.
  4. Dr. Anil Kumar Kansal, Principal Director & HOD Neurosurgery, Spine Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Neurosciences Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi, India.
  5. Dr. Sudhir Dubey, Chairman - Dept. of Neurosurgery at Medanta - The Medicity, Gurugram, India.

CMCS Health, the Top Medical Tourism Provider Agency for Kenyan Nationals is associated with the Best Neurosurgeons in India for Brain Surgery of Kenyan Patients in India. The Top Brain Surgery Hospitals in India also offer state-of-the-art and latest Cyberknife and Gamma knife brain surgeries.

Top Five Spine Surgeons in India for Kenyan Patients

  1. Dr. Hitesh Garg,
  2. Dr. Rajesh Varma, at Marengo Asia Hospital, Gurugram, India.
  3. Dr. Prof. Bipin Waliya
  4. Dr. Arun Saroha
  5. Dr. Rajneesh Kachhara, at Medanta - The Medicity Hospital, Gurugram, India.

Best Neurosurgery Hospitals in India Preferred by Kenyan Patients

The Top Neurosurgery Hospitals in India are well-equipped with the latest cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art infrastructure for brain and spine Surgeries for Kenyan Patients. The Top Neurosurgery Hospitals in India preferred by Kenyan patients are:

Easy Medical Visas from Kenya to India

The Medical Visa Norms for Kenyan Nationals are quite convenient and less time-consuming. Kenyan Patients can also avail of e-Medical Visas for their medical treatments in India.

Low Cost of Brain and Spine Surgery in India

The Brain and spine surgery costs in India for Kenyan patients are probably the lowest in the world. The low cost clubbed with the best expert brain and spine surgery doctors and Top Neurosurgery Hospitals makes India a preferred medical tourism destination for Kenyan Patients.

Low Logistics Costs

The Low logistics costs like budget hotels and flexible apartment rentals for Kenyan Patients make India a preferred destination for brain and spine surgery among Kenyan nationals.

English is the most commonly spoken language

English is the commonly spoken language and as most Kenyan Nationals are well-versed with English, they do not face any language barrier in their medical treatments and Indian stay.

Other Medical treatments preferred by Kenyan Nationals in India

Dear Kenyan Patients Click here to get a Free Video Consultation with the Best Brain and Spine Surgery doctors in India.  Dear Kenyan Patients Click Here to Get a Cost Estimation of brain and spine surgery in India and a Medical Visa Invitation Letter from Top Neurosurgery Hospitals in India.



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